Sunday, 29 March 2015

What week is it again?

All the weeks are blurring together. At least six people have greeted me with 'you look like crap' instead of the traditional 'good morning'...thanks guys. I spent this week doing various odd jobs, as promised I painted the texture for the fence.

I painted a poster to help explain to the player why the world is populated by floating, shiny jam tarts. These were an idea I came up with way back in the level planning stage as a way to help guide the player and allowing us to get some more of the book into the game. This and the pick up is a reference to this poem: 

The Queen of Hearts
She made some tarts,

All on a summer's day;

The Knave of Hearts
He stole those tarts,
And took them clean away.

Hopefully on her way to the palace Alice will find all the missing tarts and be able to exonerate the Knave, saving him from a rather ridiculous and clearly bias trial.

The last few days of term were just small jobs, fixing assets, tweaking textures and correcting a couple of collision meshes.

The team got together to organise what was left to do in the level. Things like a menu system, controls. We decided how some of the cutscenes would work and discussed a way to make use of all the parts of the final garden. I suggested having a guard at the locked gate having broken and lost his key so now the player has a reason to complete the large fountain jumping puzzle and visit the other gardens.

"Can I interest you in a microtransaction?"
There was also an industry visit this week from Creativity Assembly about their summer internship which sounds like a dream offer but I've already set the summer aside for sorting out a proper portfolio and website. I did however download one of their mobile games to get a look at some of their work and long story short I developed a camaraderie with the Ninja who is now slowly draining my bank account with micro-transactions....and couldn't look more pleased about it if he tried.

There's also critical studies work to be done over the Easter, first off a essay about our career aspirations and progress this year which I'm not eager to get on with. I am not the greatest author the world has ever seen, so that should be fun. There's also a presentation, 3 minutes on anything we want, so I also have to locate something to talk about to an audience while using all the willpower I have in my body to not throw up.

Well lots of work still to do over Easter but first, sleep.


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