Shark in the Hedge
Rabbit in the Basement
Alice in the Basement
Gothulus Rift: The Legacy
Alice in Oculand
Penguins on a Treadmill
The last one led to a fairly lengthy discussion on how penguins deal with falling over and it turns out the answer is some kind of super powered jelly spine.
But the name we settled in the end was 'This Way That Way' after the ever so useful sign from Alice in Wonderland which is also a feature in our level. As well was this we covered trying to stick to our style guide a bit better. I went to gather some reference for us to refer to and that meant I got to spend game playing a game! Not in the way I would have liked, not so much going on adventures more so ignoring everything going on in Fable 3 and screen capping the chairs.
Meanwhile a member of every team when on their own information gathering mission but I'm guessing it involved less shooting Hobbes with magic than mine did. They headed down to London to visit the British library, got some questions answered and brought back reference material so I think we're good on the research front for now....probably until next week anyway.
This weeks meeting with the tutors also saw the creation of a detailed and currently finalised asset list so with everything divided up the team we're all getting down to it. The others in the team seem to move through their work really quickly, they've already got a whiteboxed level thrown together and assets are getting swapped in as they're completed. Everyone seems really proficient and confident in what they're doing and I'm hoping I'll be able to keep up rather than run myself into the ground trying.
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