Sunday, 25 January 2015

Container City. Level design Week 3

I got the rest of my share of the assets done this week. There wasn't much to be done since I'm working on the lower level which is fairly sparsely populated when it comes to unique assets.

I tried to keep everything as low poly as I could since it would mostly be in the dark and dim lighting.

I'm not pleased with the textures, the generator is the largest unique asset in my part of the level and so it really should have a lot more texture space but Becky and I haven't been able to get in touch with the other team members for a few days now and haven't been able to find out how many of the 10 maps we're permitted for this project they've used. Since I couldn't contact them this week I decided it was safer to make the best of one texture sheet than to potentially risk not seeing them in time to change anything before the hand in and have assets using a one we can't submit.

This week I also got the lighting system working in the lower levels so when the player falls down into the unlit tunnels they can hit an emergency switch and the red lighting will all power on. This took up most of my time this week.

I made sure all the doors had a matinee to open and close them and I started a timeline to connect up to the gate blueprint so it doesn't slide out of the way quite so effortlessly. I also made a quick blueprint to flicker one of the lights upstairs to try add some atmosphere to the hall.

Not much more to talk about on my part this week. Going into the final week mine and Becky's areas are on track, we have some assets from Dom in but not all of them and no textures and I haven't seen much from Olivia so we're hoping to get her stuff soon.

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