Thursday, 30 October 2014

Project Post-mortem

A lot went on with the film room project and as a bonus we broke the sun. So this is something to sum up the project and how I think we managed.

Initially, like a lot of groups this project didn't kick off well for us. Even with lighting problems and data lose picking a room to work with was still the biggest headache by far, it took a long time to sort something suitable and suitable in this case mostly meant interesting and achievable.

Concepting wasn't really given the attention it deserved, since we were working with already established designs we didn't really allocate official time into our planning for the concept work despite knowing how important this step is, a lot more time and effort will be going into this from now on.

There were several improvements I could have made to my work I feel. The bar asset for a start even after remodelling it had a quite noticeable difference in size of the red part of the underside of it. This causes a noticeable difference in our image to the original once we set the camera angle.    While I’m happy with my work with the emissive material the colours of the signs needed some adjustment such as the red in the sign on the window was much too light and would have benefited from being darkened. Finally the outside scene I was not particularly pleased with, it was interesting to see what could be achieved with just normal maps, smoothing groups and metalness maps such as with the center building but the basic geometry I used is still quite evidently basic geometry. It’s texture could have also benefited from a little more time working with it to try and take away some of the look of blocky colours.

Overall I am happy with the project, the team worked well together and people worked hard. There where a few issues with our finished scene that didn't match up with our image
-Emissive lights in the dividers and walls were too yellow
-The outside buildings looked like they were too far away
-The perspective of the camera was not completely correct
-The shots didn't line up exactly
We had hoped to address these issues but a data loss and lighting problem meant we had to prioritise recreating the scene again.
While our teamwork was overall good in my eyes it did seem Thomas ended up doing a lot more work with modelling and engine as all the assets had to be added into his building scene. It would have been better for the rest of us to have been able to pick up some of his work load.

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